J.R Dupont
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J.R Dupont (aka Control) studied English Literature for way too long at way too many universities. She writes everything from critical essays, to novels, to poetry. Incapable of self marketing, J.R Dupont has operated under the assumption that, eventually, her writing would simply fall into public awareness without any effort whatsoever. That's not going well.
J.R Dupont has been writing since she was eight years old, because she didn't want to deal with reality. Reality sucks. Monsters are cool. Science fiction is cool. Fantasy and horror are both very cool. Come hang out in one of her worlds.
She's a trash can but she's not a trash will.
What Came out of the Moon
Control the Poet
My poetry uses form to match function. Generally my poems revolve around abstractions of habitation, subjectivity, grappling mortality, while engaging with subjects like love, loss, and the perpetual reinterpretation of the self. I like to write in throchaic tetrameter, though I have been experimenting with free form. Because I want to be one of those open-mic-night-beat-poets when I grow up.